The platform needed to be easy to use, provide instant deposits and withdrawals, support multiple cryptocurrencies, and offer new users free tokens to start trading
The project aimed to ensure transparency and fairness in trading, with features like online verification of stakes and outcomes
EOSIO blockchain was chosen for its efficient handling of smart contracts and instant transfer capabilities
Implemented using EOSIO SDK and C++, ensuring transparent and immutable trading logic
Developed using ReactJs and Unistore for a responsive and user-friendly interface. Utilized NodeJs, AWS Lambda, and Serverless Framework for scalable and reliable backend services. PostgreSQL was used for its robustness and efficiency in handling data
Integrated with services like BitGo for secure transactions, Infura for Ethereum network access, CryptoCypher for enhanced security, and Dfuse for blockchain data
Developed custom trading charts (linear and candles) using D3.js library for a rich visual trading experience
Amazon Web Services (AWS) was used for deploying the project infrastructure, ensuring high availability and scalability