What is Solidity?
Solidity is a high-level and object-oriented programming language. The main Solidity features are the support of inheritance and libraries, complex user-defined types, and others.
What is a Solidity smart contract?
Any blockchain network is based on smart contracts. Solidity smart contracts are digital forms with a predefined set of transaction rules. When the rules are met, the transaction automatically executes. Also, the execution of the transaction is terminated if something goes wrong.
Where do we use Solidity?
It is primarily used for smart contract implementation within Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) or other blockchain platforms.
What are the benefits of Solidity smart contracts?
Solidity smart contracts automate several processes, reduce costs and time required to negotiate, and enforce the terms and conditions of the agreement. Also, they are immutable, transparent, and secure which makes them tamper-proof.
Why are Solidity smart contracts better than normal ones?
When signing standard contracts, you have multiple rounds of discussion and need third parties like lawyers, etc. Negotiations end in a lengthy document that must be signed by multiple parties. Solidity smart contracts are signed between two parties. Digital agreements are immutable, secure, transparent, and tamper-proof, allowing you to build more trustworthy business relationships.
How can I hire developers to build Solidity smart contracts?
It is pretty easy to hire Solidity developers from ND Labs. You simply need to contact us, share your project ideas and business needs with our expert team, choose a suitable hiring model, and start working.
How much does it cost to hire a Solidity developer?
The final cost of hiring Solidity developers is calculated individually as it depends on multiple factors. The main ones are the complexity of the future product features, business analysis, and support services. By the way, you can hire our developers at hourly, monthly, or fixed cost.
Do you offer maintenance and support services?
Yes, we offer such services. Get in touch with us at any time as we are always there to help you.