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  • What are fractional NFTs and how you can benefit from them 
Apr 13 • 23 mins

What are fractional NFTs and how you can benefit from them 



Fractional NFTs are a new type of non-fungible tokens that allow investors to purchase a fraction of a high-value NFT, such as a rare digital artwork or a celebrity’s personal memorabilia. This opens up opportunities for investors who may not have the resources to purchase an entire NFT, while also providing a way for NFT owners to earn money by selling fractions of their assets. Fractional NFTs are becoming increasingly popular in the NFT market, offering a way for both collectors and investors to participate in the rapidly growing NFT industry. In this article, we will explore the concept of fractional NFTs and their potential impact on the NFT market.

What is a Fractional NFT?

Fractional NFTs, also known as fractionalized NFTs or fractional ownership NFTs, are a new type of non-fungible tokens that allow for the fractional ownership of high-value NFT assets. Instead of having to purchase an entire NFT, investors can buy a fraction of it, similar to how shares are bought and sold on the stock market.

Fractional NFTs allow for more people to invest in NFTs that may be otherwise out of their financial reach. For example, a rare digital artwork that is worth millions of dollars can now be broken down into smaller pieces and sold as fractions to multiple investors. This opens up investment opportunities for those who may not have the resources to purchase an entire NFT.

In addition to providing a way for investors to participate in the NFT market, fractional NFTs also benefit NFT owners. By selling fractions of their NFT, owners can earn money and increase the liquidity of their assets. This can also help to increase the overall value of the NFT, as more people have access to it through fractional ownership.

How Does NFT Fractionalization Work?


When an NFT is fractionalized, a new token is created that represents a fraction of the original NFT. This new token is often an ERC-20 token, which is a standard for fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. ERC-20 tokens are widely used for cryptocurrencies and tokens representing assets or utility, such as stablecoins and governance tokens.

The fractionalization process is managed by a smart contract that is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. The smart contract governs the creation and distribution of the new ERC-20 tokens, as well as the rules and conditions for trading them.

The smart contract is programmed to hold the original NFT in custody, ensuring that each fraction of the NFT is backed by the original asset. This is important to ensure that the new tokens have value and are not just arbitrary representations of the original NFT.

When an investor purchases a fraction of the NFT, they receive a corresponding amount of the new ERC-20 token. This token can be traded on a secondary market, allowing investors to buy and sell their fractions of the NFT as they would with any other cryptocurrency or token.

The smart contract can also be programmed to enforce rules and conditions for trading the new ERC-20 tokens. For example, it can set a minimum holding period for the tokens, require a minimum number of tokens to be held to make a sale, or enable dividend payments to token holders based on the performance of the NFT.

Fractionalized NFTs are not necessarily limited to the Ethereum blockchain, but currently, most fractionalization platforms operate on the Ethereum network due to its popularity and wide adoption within the blockchain and cryptocurrency community. Other blockchain networks such as Flow, Solana, and Polygon are also exploring the potential for fractionalized NFTs on their platforms.

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The process of NFT fractionalization is highly technical and requires expertise in blockchain development and smart contract programming. However, it provides a powerful new tool for NFT owners and investors, enabling greater liquidity and accessibility in the NFT market.

The fractionalization process is typically managed by a third-party platform or service provider that specializes in NFT fractionalization. The platform takes custody of the original NFT, divides it into fractions, and then issues the new tokens to investors. The platform may also provide a marketplace where investors can buy and sell their fractions of the NFT.

What’s the Difference Between Fractional NFTs and Traditional NFTs?

The main difference between fractional NFTs and traditional NFTs is that fractional NFTs represent a portion of an NFT, while traditional NFTs represent the entire asset. Traditional NFTs are typically unique and indivisible digital assets that are stored on a blockchain, and they are often used to represent digital art, collectibles, or other unique digital assets.

Fractional NFTs, on the other hand, represent a fractional ownership stake in a traditional NFT. This means that the ownership of the original NFT is divided into smaller fractions, which can be bought and sold independently of the original asset. Fractional NFTs are created through the use of smart contracts and ERC-20 tokens, which represent a fraction of the original NFT.

Another key difference between fractional and traditional NFTs is that fractional NFTs are often traded on secondary markets, while traditional NFTs are typically sold in one-off transactions. This means that fractional NFTs provide more liquidity for investors, as they can buy and sell fractions of the NFT on a secondary market, rather than having to find a buyer for the entire asset.

Fractional NFTs also have the potential to democratize access to high-value NFT assets. By dividing the ownership of an NFT into smaller fractions, more investors can participate in the NFT market and invest in valuable assets that may be otherwise out of reach. This can also provide NFT owners with a new source of liquidity, as they can sell fractions of their NFT to a wider range of investors.

In summary, while traditional NFTs represent a single unique digital asset, fractional NFTs represent a fractional ownership stake in that asset, enabling greater liquidity and accessibility in the NFT market.

Benefits of Fractional NFTs

Making NFTs More Accessible

By dividing the ownership of an NFT into smaller fractions, investors who may not have the means to purchase the entire asset can still participate in the NFT market and potentially benefit from its appreciation over time. This can provide more opportunities for smaller investors and collectors to invest in valuable NFT assets.

Increased Liquidity

By dividing ownership of the NFT into smaller fractions, investors can buy and sell these fractions on secondary markets more easily and at lower transaction costs. This can provide greater flexibility and options for investors looking to buy or sell NFTs

Efficient Price discovery

Traditional NFTs can be difficult to price accurately, as their value is often subjective and can vary widely based on factors such as rarity, historical significance, and cultural relevance. Fractionalizing NFTs can help to establish a more transparent and objective pricing mechanism, as investors can buy and sell fractions of the NFT based on market demand and supply.

High liquidity

Fractionalization allows investors to buy and sell fractions of NFTs more easily and at lower transaction costs, as they do not have to find a buyer for the entire asset. This increased liquidity can lead to a more efficient price discovery mechanism, where the price of the fractionalized NFTs is based on market demand and supply.

Curator incentives

Curators can benefit from fractionalization because it allows them to monetize their work more easily. By breaking the ownership of an NFT into smaller fractions, more investors can participate in the NFT market, potentially leading to higher demand and prices for their NFTs.

Fractionalization can also incentivize curators to produce high-quality and unique NFTs. If investors perceive an NFT as being of high quality, they are more likely to purchase a fraction of it, which can lead to higher prices for the NFT. This incentivizes curators to produce NFTs that are more likely to be in demand, increasing their chances of selling fractions of their NFTs and earning a profit.

Risks and Considerations of Fractional NFTs

While fractionalized NFTs offer several benefits, there are also several risks and considerations that investors should be aware of.

Market Risk

As with any investment, there is always a risk that the value of a fractionalized NFT can decrease due to market forces. The value of NFTs is highly volatile, and fractionalized NFTs can be affected by changes in market demand and supply.

Smart Contract Risk

Fractionalized NFTs are governed by smart contracts, and there is always a risk of smart contract failure or vulnerabilities. Investors should thoroughly review the smart contract’s code to ensure that there are no flaws or weaknesses that could be exploited.

Legal Risk 

The legality of NFTs and fractionalization is still a relatively new area of law. There is a risk that fractionalized NFTs could be subject to new regulations or restrictions in the future, potentially leading to legal issues or restrictions on trading.

Illiquidity Risk

While fractionalized NFTs offer increased liquidity compared to traditional NFTs, they can still suffer from illiquidity in certain circumstances. If there is a lack of demand for a specific NFT, it may be challenging to sell fractionalized NFTs, potentially leading to a loss of value.

Platform Risk

Fractionalized NFTs are typically traded on specialized platforms, and there is a risk that these platforms may be subject to hacks, cyber-attacks, or other technical issues that could lead to losses.

Valuation Risk

There is a risk that the valuation of a fractionalized NFT may not accurately reflect its true value. The price of fractionalized NFTs can be subjective and may not necessarily reflect the underlying value of the NFT.

Use cases of fractional NFTs


F-NFTs and gaming

Fractionalized NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry. F-NFTs can allow players to own fractions of in-game assets, such as characters or items, and earn a share of the revenue generated from the game. This can make gaming more accessible to a wider range of players and potentially lead to more diverse ownership structures within the gaming industry.

F-NFTs and the metaverse

The metaverse is a virtual world that is created by the convergence of virtual reality, augmented reality, and other digital technologies. Fractionalized NFTs can allow users to own fractions of virtual real estate within the metaverse, which can provide access to revenue streams generated from the use of virtual property.

F-NFTs and real estate

Fractionalized NFTs can allow investors to own fractions of real estate properties, providing access to real estate investment opportunities that were previously only available to high net worth individuals. F-NFTs can also enable investors to sell fractions of their real estate holdings, making real estate investments more liquid and accessible to a wider range of investors.

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F-NFTs and art

Fractionalized NFTs have the potential to democratize the art market by allowing investors to own fractions of high-value artworks. F-NFTs can provide access to investment opportunities in the art market, which were previously only available to high net worth individuals. This can also benefit artists by providing access to financing for their projects and potentially earn a profit.

Fractional NFTs platforms is a platform that allows users to buy and sell fractionalized ownership in high-value NFT artworks. The platform operates on the Ethereum blockchain and enables users to invest in a variety of NFT assets, including digital art, sports memorabilia, and collectibles. provides a secondary market for fractionalized NFTs, enabling users to buy and sell their fractions easily.



NFTfy is a fractionalized NFT platform that operates on the Binance Smart Chain, and allows users to fractionalize their NFTs and sell fractions of them to investors. NFTfy provides a secondary market for fractionalized NFTs, enabling investors to trade their fractions easily. The platform also offers a governance token called NFTFY, which allows users to vote on the direction of the platform.



WithOtis is a fractionalized NFT platform that focuses on alternative assets, such as sneakers, streetwear, and collectibles. The platform allows users to invest in a range of assets by buying fractions of them. WithOtis provides a secondary market for investors to buy and sell their fractions easily. The platform also offers curated collections, which allow users to invest in a range of assets that have been hand-picked by the WithOtis team. is a fractionalized NFT platform that enables users to invest in high-value NFTs. The platform allows users to buy fractions of NFTs and earn a share of the revenue generated from the asset. also provides a secondary market for fractionalized NFTs, enabling investors to buy and sell their fractions easily. The platform focuses on high-value assets, such as high-profile digital art and collectibles.

the is a fractionalized NFT platform that focuses on art investments. The platform enables users to buy fractions of high-value artworks, providing access to investment opportunities that were previously only available to high net worth individuals. provides a secondary market for fractionalized NFTs, enabling users to buy and sell their fractions easily. The platform also offers curated collections, which allow users to invest in a range of high-value artworks.

Famous Fractional NFTs

Beeple’s “EverydaysThe First 5000 Days”

The sale of Beeple’s “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” at Christie’s in March 2021 marked a turning point in the NFT world. The artwork sold for a staggering $69 million, making it the third most expensive artwork ever sold by a living artist. Following the sale, a portion of the artwork was fractionalized on platforms like, allowing investors to buy fractions of the artwork for a fraction of the cost.


CryptoPunks are one of the earliest examples of NFTs and have become a cult favorite in the NFT community. The 10,000 unique 8-bit characters were created by Larva Labs in 2017 and have since become a highly sought-after collector’s item. In 2021, a single CryptoPunk sold for $69 million, and several fractions of CryptoPunks have been sold on platforms like NFTfi and WithOtis.

NBA Top Shot

NBA Top Shot is a blockchain-based platform that allows users to buy, sell, and trade officially licensed NBA collectibles. The platform has become a sensation, with individual NFTs selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Several fractions of NBA Top Shot moments have been sold on platforms like Nifty Gateway and Otis.

Pplpleasr’s “FIRST BURN”

“FIRST BURN” is a digital artwork created by the artist Pplpleasr, which was burned in a public ceremony during the Ethereum London hard fork in August 2021. A fraction of the artwork was sold on the fractional NFT platform,, with investors able to purchase fractions of the artwork for as little as $20.

Axie Infinity

Axie infinity

Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based game that allows players to breed and battle digital creatures called Axies. The game has become incredibly popular, with individual Axies selling for tens of thousands of dollars. Several fractions of Axies have been sold on platforms like NFTfi, allowing investors to purchase fractions of the digital creatures for a fraction of the cost.

The Future of Fractional NFTs

As the NFT market continues to grow and mature, it’s likely that fractional NFTs will play an increasingly important role in the ecosystem. The benefits of fractionalization, such as increased accessibility and liquidity, are becoming more widely recognized, and we’re already seeing several high-profile NFTs being fractionalized.

In the future, it’s possible that fractional NFTs will become the norm rather than the exception. As more and more investors seek exposure to the NFT market, fractionalization will be seen as a way to lower the barrier to entry and allow a wider range of investors to participate. This could lead to the creation of new fractional NFT platforms and the development of more sophisticated fractionalization models.

In addition, we may see fractional NFTs being used in new and innovative ways. For example, fractional NFTs could be used to tokenize ownership of physical assets, such as real estate or art, allowing investors to purchase fractions of these assets and participate in their appreciation. We may also see fractional NFTs being used to create new investment vehicles, such as NFT-based index funds or ETFs.

The future of fractional NFTs is bright, and we can expect to see continued growth and innovation in this area in the years to come. As the NFT market continues to evolve, fractionalization will be an important tool for democratizing access to NFT investments and creating new opportunities for investors.

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Fractional NFTs are an exciting development in the world of NFTs that offer several benefits to investors and collectors. By allowing NFTs to be divided into fractional ownership units, fractional NFTs make NFTs more accessible, improve price discovery, and increase liquidity.

Moreover, fractional NFTs have opened up new opportunities for investment and ownership of a wide range of assets, including gaming items, art, real estate, and more. As the market evolves, fractional NFT platforms will continue to emerge, allowing investors to participate in the NFT market in new and innovative ways.

If you want to create a fractional NFT platform, get in touch with our top-notch developers and they will turn your idea into a reality.

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    About the author

    Dmitry K.

    CEO and Co-founder of ND Labs
    I’m a top professional with many-year experience in software development and IT. Founder and CEO of ND Labs specializing in FinTech industry, blockchain and smart contracts development for Defi and NFT.

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