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  • Revolutionizing Real Estate: The Power of Tokenized Assets
Dec 05 • 11 mins
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Revolutionizing Real Estate: The Power of Tokenized Assets

Tokenized assets are transforming the real estate market, revolutionizing the way properties are bought, sold, and owned. Through the use of blockchain technology, real estate can be digitized and divided into fractional shares, making it more accessible and liquid than ever before. This groundbreaking approach unlocks the value of traditionally illiquid assets, enabling a wider range of investors to participate in the real estate market. With tokenized assets, the possibilities for real estate investment are expanding, offering new opportunities and reshaping the industry for the better.

Understanding Tokenization

Tokenization involves the division of ownership of an asset into multiple units, with each unit represented by a digital token. These tokens are then stored and recorded on a blockchain. It is important to note that there are two distinct groups of assets in the context of tokenization: real-world assets and native assets.

Real-world assets (RWA), such as property, continue to exist off-chain or outside the blockchain. In order to ensure that the tokens representing these assets are backed by their real-world counterparts, a custodian is required. On the other hand, native assets, like cryptocurrencies, exist on-chain or within the blockchain itself. These assets derive their value from their design and existence on the blockchain, eliminating the need for external custodians.

Benefits of Asset Tokenization

The tokenization of assets brings forth numerous benefits for companies, investors, and financial institutions alike. One key advantage is enhanced accessibility to investment opportunities, particularly for small investors in developing countries. Traditional investment avenues such as equities and real estate are often more accessible to investors in developed markets. However, tokenization can level the playing field by reducing investment costs through highly automated token issuance and management processes. Additionally, the high transaction speed associated with blockchain networks further improves accessibility for small investors.

Tokenization also has the potential to eliminate intermediaries in financial markets. By removing intermediaries like stock exchanges, tokenization can provide investors in developed countries with direct access to the financial market. For instance, tokenization of equities would enable retail investors to purchase newly issued shares in the primary market and directly invest in publicly traded shares in the secondary market. This direct access can lead to increased efficiency and reduced costs for investors.

Furthermore, tokenization can play a significant role in highly illiquid markets that require substantial investments in single assets, such as private equity. Tokenization allows for fractionalization of ownership, enabling retail investors to gain exposure to new asset classes that were previously out of reach. This increased market participation can contribute to the overall growth and diversification of financial markets.

In addition to these benefits, asset tokenization also enhances transparency and security in financial markets. The transaction history of tokenized assets is transparently recorded on the blockchain, eliminating the need for complex and time-consuming audits. The distributed nature of blockchain networks ensures that the security of tokenized assets is not reliant on a single point of failure. This, coupled with the use of cryptography, enhances the security and resilience of the infrastructure. Market participants and regulators can easily track the ownership history of tokenized assets, reducing market complexity and improving accountability.

Tokenized Real Estate: A Case Study

To better understand how tokenization works in practice, let’s consider a case study involving real estate. Meet Alexa, an investor who owns an apartment and wants to invest $50,000 in a newly founded fintech startup. Tokenization can support Alexa’s goal by converting the ownership claims for her apartment into tradable tokens. Let’s delve into the nine-step process involved in this tokenization journey.

  1. Purchase of the Apartment: 

Alexa purchased the apartment from a real estate developer and received 400,000 tokens along with the property. These tokens were sent to her custodial wallet via the blockchain network.

  1. Token Value: 

The tokens representing the apartment hold a value, which can be observed on a crypto exchange. Potential buyers on the exchange can gain transparent insight into the value of these tokens, along with additional information about the apartment, such as its location.

  1. Token Transfer: 

Alexa decides to sell 50,000 tokens from her custodial wallet to an interested buyer, Bob. She sends these tokens from her custodial wallet to her crypto exchange wallet via the blockchain network.

  1. Token Sale: 

Alexa offers the tokens for sale on the crypto exchange, pricing them at $1 each. Investor Bob agrees to buy the 50,000 tokens at this price.

  1. Interest Agreement: 

As part of the token sale agreement, Alexa agrees to pay Bob an annual interest rate of 2.5% on the market value of the tokens. This interest rate further enhances the attractiveness of the investment for Bob.

  1. Token Proceeds: 

Alexa receives $50,000 from the sale of the tokens and transfers this amount from her crypto exchange’s US dollar account to her bank account.

  1. Investment in Fintech Startup: 

Alexa can now invest the $50,000 in the fintech startup of her choice, leveraging the funds obtained from the token sale.

  1. Investment Success:

After two years, Alexa’s investment in the startup proves to be successful. Additionally, Alexa regularly pays the agreed-upon interest to Bob, further solidifying their investment agreement.

  1. Token Repurchase: 

The value of each token has increased to $1.25 on the open market of the crypto exchange. Alexa decides to sell a portion of her ownership stake in the startup to buy back the 50,000 tokens. To repurchase the tokens, Alexa needs to sell an ownership stake worth $62,500.

Once the funds are deposited into Alexa’s bank account by the startup, she transfers the $62,500 to her US dollar account on the crypto exchange. Subsequently, Alexa exercises her right to buy back the 50,000 apartment tokens from investor Bob. Finally, Alexa sends the tokens via the blockchain network back to her custodial wallet.

Drawbacks and Challenges of Tokenization

While tokenization holds immense potential, there are several challenges and limitations that need to be addressed for its widespread adoption. Technological hurdles form a significant barrier to the broad adoption of tokenization. Existing blockchain networks need to scale efficiently to handle the high volume of data and transactions associated with tokenization. Additionally, interoperability between different blockchain systems must be ensured to facilitate seamless token transfers.

The tokenization business ecosystem is still in its early stages of development, leading to a shortage of experienced technical and custodial partners. This scarcity can hinder the growth and adoption of tokenization initiatives. However, the most significant hurdle to overcome is the lack of widely accepted and sophisticated regulation for real-world assets. Legal issues such as disputes over property rights, asset storage, maintenance, and security pose considerable challenges in the tokenization of physical assets. These challenges often require some form of centralization, which contradicts the decentralized nature of current blockchain networks.

On the other hand, digital and blockchain-native assets face fewer disadvantages in terms of tokenization. As these assets can largely be managed on-chain, they are better suited for the tokenization process. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that asset tokenization is still in its early stages of development. While the advantages of transparency and efficiency are evident, the lack of globally accepted regulatory standards introduces high risks and uncertainty. It is important for consumers and investors to be aware of these risks when engaging with tokenized assets.


Tokenized assets have the potential to revolutionize the world of finance by providing enhanced accessibility, transparency, and efficiency in investment opportunities. Through tokenization, the economic value and rights of assets can be represented by digital tokens on blockchain networks. This process enables investors, regardless of their location, to participate in previously inaccessible markets. Tokenization also eliminates intermediaries, reducing costs and improving efficiency in financial transactions.

The case study of tokenized real estate demonstrates the practical application of tokenization. By converting ownership claims into tradable tokens, investors like Alexa can unlock liquidity and explore new investment avenues. However, tokenization still faces challenges related to technological scalability, regulatory frameworks, and legal complexities.

As the industry continues to evolve, it is crucial for stakeholders to collaborate and establish globally accepted regulatory standards. Overcoming these challenges will pave the way for the widespread adoption of tokenization, fostering innovation and expanding opportunities in the financial landscape.

For more insights on tokenization and crypto assets, check out the book “Fintech Business Models.” The book delves deeper into the intricacies of tokenization and provides valuable information for individuals and organizations navigating the evolving world of finance and technology.

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    About the author

    Dmitry K.

    CEO and Co-founder of ND Labs
    I’m a top professional with many-year experience in software development and IT. Founder and CEO of ND Labs specializing in FinTech industry, blockchain and smart contracts development for Defi and NFT.

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