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Apr 18 • 21 mins

What is a POAP and how does it work


proof of attendance protocol

POAP, which stands for Proof of Attendance Protocol, is a unique digital asset that has been gaining popularity in recent times. Essentially, it is a digital badge that can be used to verify and validate attendance at various events, both online and offline. These badges are issued to participants of an event and are typically unique to each event, making them highly collectible.

POAP badges have become popular among event organizers as a way to incentivize attendance and promote engagement. They are also a way for participants to showcase their attendance at events and demonstrate their involvement in various communities.

In this article, we will explore what POAP is, how it works, and the benefits of using it for events and communities. We will also look at some real-world examples of how POAP is being used today and its potential for future applications.

What is POAP? 

POAP, or Proof of Attendance Protocol, is a unique form of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) that allows event organizers to issue digital badges to attendees, verifying and validating their attendance at the event. The badges are usually unique to each event and can be collected by attendees as a memento of their participation.

Operating on blockchain technology, POAP ensures that each badge is unique, tamper-proof, and verifiable. Each badge is assigned a unique identifier that is recorded on the blockchain, making it possible to verify its authenticity at any time.

As an NFT, each POAP badge is a unique digital asset that can be bought, sold, or traded like other NFTs. However, unlike other NFTs that are often purely aesthetic, POAP badges have a functional use case as a proof of attendance at a specific event.

By issuing badges to attendees, organizers can create a sense of community and recognition among participants. Attendees can also use their badges as proof of attendance to gain access to other events or earn rewards.

POAP has gained popularity among various event types, including conferences, hackathons, and meetups. The badges are typically designed with unique artwork that reflects the event’s theme, making them highly collectible among attendees.

How does the POAP work?

smart contract

POAP works by using blockchain technology, specifically smart contracts on the Ethereum xDAI side chain, to issue digital badges that verify attendance at events.

To create a POAP badge, event organizers deploy a smart contract on the xDAI side chain, which conforms to the ERC-721 protocol for non-fungible tokens. This smart contract contains all the necessary information about the badge, including its name, symbol, and unique identifier.

When an attendee attends an event and wants to claim their POAP badge, they interact with the smart contract by sending a transaction that triggers the creation of a new token. The smart contract then mints a new POAP token with a unique identifier and sends it to the attendee’s wallet on the xDAI side chain.

The POAP token itself contains all the necessary information about the event, including its name, date, and location. The token is also designed with unique artwork that reflects the event’s theme, making it highly collectible among attendees.

Because the POAP tokens are based on the ERC-721 protocol, they are non-fungible, meaning that each token is unique and cannot be exchanged for another token of equal value. This provides a high level of security and ensures that each badge is unique and tamper-proof.

What are Proof of Attendance Protocol NFTs used for?

Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) is a powerful tool for event organizers and communities to verify attendance and reward engagement.

The use-cases of POAP include: 

  1. Event attendance verification: POAP badges can be used to verify and validate attendance at events, providing organizers with a tamper-proof record of who participated.
  2. Community engagement: POAP badges can be used to reward community members who contribute to the group by sharing knowledge or completing specific tasks.
  3. Access to exclusive events or rewards: Some organizers issue special POAP badges to VIP attendees, providing them with access to exclusive after-parties or other perks.
  4. Conference attendance: POAP badges can be used to verify attendance at conferences, providing organizers with a way to track attendance and engagement.
  5. Gaming tournaments: POAP badges can be used to verify participation in gaming tournaments, providing a secure and tamper-proof record of who participated.
  6. Hackathons: POAP badges can be used to verify participation in hackathons, providing organizers with a way to track participation and engagement.
  7. Meetups: POAP badges can be used to verify attendance at meetups, providing organizers with a way to track attendance and engagement.
  8. Charity events: POAP badges can be used to verify participation in charity events, providing organizers with a way to track participation and engagement.

In addition to these use-cases, POAP badges are highly collectible and can be bought, sold, or traded like other NFTs, adding a new dimension of value and functionality to the badges.

Why Collect POAPs?

Collecting POAP badges can be a fun and rewarding experience for a number of reasons.

First, POAP badges are unique and custom-designed for each event, making them highly collectible and valuable as a memento of your participation. They can serve as a tangible reminder of the event, and the people and connections you made there.

Second, collecting POAP badges can be a way to demonstrate your engagement and participation in a particular community. By collecting badges for events or communities that you care about, you can showcase your involvement and support.

Finally, as with other NFTs, POAP badges can also have monetary value. Some badges may be highly sought after by collectors, leading to increased demand and value over time. This can provide an additional incentive for collectors to seek out and acquire rare or unique badges.

Monetary Benefits of Collecting POAPs

monetary benefits

Collecting POAP badges can have monetary benefits for collectors, as some badges may increase in value over time due to their rarity or desirability.

Because POAP badges are based on blockchain technology and are unique to each event or community, some badges may become highly sought after by collectors. As more people become aware of POAP and its potential as a collectible, the demand for certain badges may increase, driving up their value.

In addition, because POAP badges are fully transferable and tradeable, collectors can buy, sell, or trade badges with other collectors on NFT marketplaces or through peer-to-peer transactions. This provides collectors with a way to monetize their collection or acquire new badges they may be interested in.

While the monetary benefits of collecting POAP badges may not be the primary reason for collecting them, it can be an added bonus for collectors who are able to acquire rare or highly sought-after badges.

What real-life use cases are there for Proof of Attendance Protocol NFTs? 

Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) NFTs have numerous real-life use cases that span across various industries and events. Below are some examples of how POAP NFTs are being used in the real world. 

Events and Conferences

POAP NFTs are commonly used for events and conferences to verify attendance and engagement. By issuing POAP NFTs to attendees, event organizers can ensure that their attendees actually showed up and participated in the event. This information can be valuable for event sponsors who want to evaluate the success of an event and how many people were engaged.

Community Engagement 

POAP NFTs can also be used to encourage engagement and participation within a community. For example, community managers can issue POAP NFTs to members who actively participate in the community, contribute knowledge, or complete specific tasks. This incentivizes members to stay engaged and contribute to the community.

Access to Exclusive Perks

POAP NFTs can be used to provide access to exclusive perks or events. For example, VIP attendees at an event can receive a special POAP NFT that gives them access to exclusive after-parties or other perks.

Gaming Tournaments

POAP NFTs are being used in gaming tournaments to verify participation and track progress. By issuing POAP NFTs to participants, tournament organizers can ensure that players have completed specific tasks or met certain criteria.


POAP NFTs can be used to verify participation in hackathons, providing organizers with a way to track engagement and reward participants for their contributions.

Charity Events

POAP NFTs are being used in charity events to verify participation and track donations. By issuing POAP NFTs to participants, organizers can ensure that donations were made and track which participants were engaged.


POAP NFTs can be used to verify attendance at meetups, providing organizers with a way to track attendance and engagement.

Digital Art and Collectibles

POAP NFTs can be used to represent digital art and other collectibles. By issuing POAP NFTs for digital art or collectibles, creators can ensure that their work is unique and protected from fraud or theft.

In addition to these use cases, POAP NFTs can also be used to create unique experiences and provide new ways to interact with events and communities. As POAP NFTs become more widely adopted, it’s likely that we’ll see even more use cases emerge, providing new opportunities for engagement, collaboration, and innovation.

How to set up POAP for your next event? 

digital wallet

Setting up POAP for your next event is a simple process that can be completed in a few steps:

  1. Choose a Wallet: To set up POAP, you’ll need a wallet that supports Ethereum and the xDAI sidechain. Popular wallets include MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet.
  2. Create a POAP Badge: Once you have a wallet, you can create a POAP badge for your event using the POAP web app. Provide details about your event, such as the event name, date, and location, and upload a custom image for your badge.
  3. Deploy a Smart Contract: To issue POAP badges, you’ll need to deploy a smart contract on the xDAI sidechain. You can use tools like Remix or Truffle to write and deploy a contract, or you can use a platform like OpenZeppelin to deploy a pre-written contract.
  4. Issue Badges: Once your contract is deployed, you can issue badges to attendees by sending them to their wallet address. Attendees can then view their badge in their wallet and use it to verify their attendance and participation in your event.
  5. Trade and Collect Badges: After your event, attendees can trade or collect badges with other attendees or collectors on NFT marketplaces. This provides a way for attendees to monetize their badges or acquire badges they may have missed at the event.

By following these steps, you can set up POAP for your next event and provide attendees with a unique and valuable experience that verifies their attendance and participation.

How to receive POAP as an attendee?

Receiving POAP as an attendee is a simple process that can be completed in a few steps:

  1. Check Your Wallet: To receive a POAP badge, you’ll need a wallet that supports Ethereum and the xDAI sidechain. Popular wallets include MetaMask and Coinbase Wallet. Make sure your wallet is set up and you have some Ether in your wallet to cover any gas fees.
  2. Attend the Event: Attend the event that is issuing POAP badges. Make sure to participate in any activities or engagements that may be required to receive your badge.
  3. Verify Your Attendance: After the event, organizers will provide instructions on how to claim your POAP badge. Typically, you’ll need to visit a website and provide information about your attendance, such as your wallet address and any required information about your participation. Once verified, the POAP badge will be sent to your wallet.
  4. Collect and Trade Badges: Once you receive your POAP badge, you can collect and trade badges with other attendees or collectors on NFT marketplaces. This provides a way to monetize your badges or acquire badges you may have missed at the event.

How To Claim a POAP

To claim a POAP, you typically need to provide information about your attendance at an event, such as your wallet address and any required information about your participation. Once verified, the POAP badge will be sent to your wallet.

The exact process for claiming a POAP may vary depending on the event and the platform used to issue the badges. Some events may require attendees to complete certain tasks or participate in specific activities before being eligible to claim their POAP badge. Attendees should follow the instructions provided by the event organizers to ensure they can successfully claim their badge.

Can You Sell a POAP?

nft marketplace

Yes, you can sell your POAP on NFT marketplaces just like any other NFT. POAPs are ERC-721 tokens, which means they are fully transferable and can be sold, traded, or gifted to other collectors or attendees. The value of a POAP can vary depending on factors such as the rarity of the badge, the popularity of the event it represents, and the number of badges issued. Some collectors may be willing to pay a premium for rare or highly sought-after POAP badges. 

Selling your POAP can be a great way to monetize your participation in an event, and it can also provide an opportunity to acquire badges from events you may have missed. However, it’s important to be cautious and ensure that you are dealing with reputable buyers and marketplaces to avoid scams or fraud.

What is the future of POAP

The future of POAP is bright, as more events and communities recognize the value of using NFTs to verify attendance and participation. As NFTs continue to gain mainstream adoption and recognition, POAPs could become a standard way of verifying attendance and participation in various events such as concerts, sports events, conferences, and festivals.

One potential direction for POAP is to expand beyond events and into other use cases. For example, POAPs could be used to verify participation in educational courses, certification programs, or other types of professional development programs.

Another area of growth for POAP is the integration of smart contracts and decentralized applications. This would allow for even more seamless issuance and management of POAPs, as well as new functionalities such as automated distribution of rewards based on participation or engagement.

Additionally, POAPs could also play a role in community building and incentivization. For example, a community could issue POAP badges to members who have contributed to the community in meaningful ways, which could incentivize further engagement and participation.

The future of POAP looks promising as the NFT ecosystem continues to evolve and grow. As more use cases for POAP emerge, it’s likely that we will see even more innovation and creativity in the ways that they are used to verify attendance, participation, and engagement.


POAPs are a powerful tool for verifying attendance and participation in events, as well as building communities and incentivizing engagement. As NFTs gain wider adoption, POAPs are likely to become a standard way of verifying attendance at events of all kinds. With the ability to be easily transferred and sold on NFT marketplaces, POAPs offer attendees a unique opportunity to monetize their participation in events and acquire rare badges from past events. The future of POAPs is bright, with potential for expansion into other use cases such as professional development and community incentivization. As the NFT ecosystem continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of POAPs and other types of NFTs.

If you are interested in an innovative way of verifying attendance in events, contact our team of experts and they will create POAPs tailored to your needs.

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    About the author

    Dmitry K.

    CEO and Co-founder of ND Labs
    I’m a top professional with many-year experience in software development and IT. Founder and CEO of ND Labs specializing in FinTech industry, blockchain and smart contracts development for Defi and NFT.

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