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Mar 22 • 35 mins

What is NFT minting?



The rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has transformed the way we think about digital ownership and has created new opportunities for creators to monetize their digital creations. Minting NFTs involves creating a unique and verifiable digital asset on the blockchain, which can be bought, sold, and traded like physical assets. The process of minting NFTs can be complex and involves connecting your wallet, creating your first item, funding your wallet, listing your NFT for sale, and managing your NFT business. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of minting NFTs, how to sell NFTs after minting, and some of the most famous NFT mints in recent history.

NFT Basics

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are a type of digital asset that is unique and cannot be replicated. They are stored on the blockchain, and each token is assigned a unique identifier that is used to verify its authenticity. NFTs can represent a variety of digital assets, such as artwork, music, videos, and even virtual real estate.

NFTs are bought and sold on digital marketplaces using cryptocurrency. The process of buying and selling NFTs is similar to that of buying and selling stocks or other financial assets. The buyer sends the cryptocurrency to the seller, and the seller sends the NFT to the buyer. The transaction is recorded on the blockchain, and the NFT is transferred to the buyer’s digital wallet.

NFTs have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer a way for people to own a piece of digital art or other digital asset without having to worry about the asset being replicated or stolen. They also provide an easy way for people to invest in digital assets without having to worry about the asset’s value fluctuating.

What is NFT minting?

NFT minting is the process of creating and issuing a unique digital asset on the blockchain. The asset can represent anything from artwork to music, videos, or virtual real estate. When an NFT is created, it is assigned a unique identifier that helps to verify its authenticity and prove ownership. This allows buyers to invest in digital assets without fear of duplication or theft.

Minting an NFT requires a few steps, including setting up a smart contract on the blockchain, specifying the asset’s characteristics, and then launching it onto the market. Once an NFT is minted, it can be bought and sold using cryptocurrency on digital marketplaces just like stocks or other financial assets. The transactions are recorded on the blockchain and the new owner receives their NFT in their digital wallet.

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How Does NFT Minting Work?

The process of minting an NFT begins with setting up a smart contract on the blockchain. This is the code that will define the characteristics of the asset and track ownership. Once this is done, the asset can be launched onto the market. Before this happens, buyers must be aware of the asset’s characteristics, as well as its value and potential risks.

When an NFT is minted, it is assigned a unique identifier that helps to verify its authenticity and prove ownership. This allows buyers to invest in digital assets without fear of duplication or theft. It also helps ensure that each NFT is unique, preventing counterfeiting or copying of NFTs. Once an asset has been minted, it can be bought and sold using cryptocurrency on digital marketplaces just like stocks or other financial assets.

NFT minting provides a way for people to own a piece of digital art or other digital asset without having to worry about it being replicated or stolen. It also makes investing in digital assets easier by providing a secure platform with clear ownership rules and regulations. Furthermore, it ensures that all transactions are recorded on the blockchain so buyers can easily track their investments over time.

How Long Does It Take to Mint an NFT?

Minting an NFT typically takes between a few minutes and several days, depending on the complexity of the asset. Before minting an NFT, it is important to understand the process and how long each step will take. Setting up a smart contract usually takes a few minutes, but other steps such as creating the asset and launching it onto the market may take longer. Additionally, buyers should be aware of any potential risks associated with investing in digital assets before they begin minting an NFT. The amount of time it takes to mint an NFT is worth considering when making an investment decision.

Factors to Consider Before Minting an NFT

Blockchain network 

The blockchain platform should be reliable, secure, and capable of handling the amount of transactions that are expected. Additionally, it should have good scalability so that it can handle more transactions as needed. Furthermore, it should offer tools for managing and tracking NFTs.

The NFT ecosystem

The NFT ecosystem is also important to consider when minting an NFT. This includes understanding the marketplace where buyers and sellers can interact with each other, as well as any platforms or services available for creating and issuing NFTs. It’s also important to understand any rules or regulations that apply in order to ensure compliance with applicable laws.

NFT minting costs 

The costs associated with minting an NFT can include fees for setting up a smart contract on the blockchain, hosting fees for maintaining the asset on the blockchain, and fees associated with launching it onto a marketplace. All of these costs should be taken into account when deciding whether or not to mint an NFT.

Marketplaces to mint an NFT

nft marketplace

The journey to minting your NFT starts from choosing the online marketplace. There are several options available, and the choice will depend on the type of NFT you want to sell, and the fees related to minting, listing and selling a digital asset. Here are some of the popular NFT marketplaces.

Coinbase NFT

Coinbase NFT is a relatively new entrant to the NFT marketplace scene, but it has already made a big impact. Coinbase NFT is a platform for buying, selling, and trading digital art, collectibles, and other digital assets. The platform is designed to make it easy for users to find and purchase digital assets in a secure and regulated environment. Coinbase NFT also offers a variety of tools and services to help users manage their digital assets, including a portfolio tracker, a marketplace, and a marketplace for trading digital assets. The buyers are charged a 3,5% fee on all purchases, while the sellers are charged 10%. 


OpenSea is one of the leading NFT marketplaces, allowing users to buy, sell, and trade digital collectibles, including artworks, gaming items and other exclusive digital collectibles. The marketplace supports two of the most common NFT standards: ERC-721 and ERC-1155. OpenSea charges users 2,5% fees for every transaction.


Rarible is another popular NFT marketplace that allows users to create, buy, and sell digital collectibles. It is powered by the Ethereum blockchain and allows users to mint, buy, and sell digital art, music, and other digital assets. The platform charges a 3% fee on all sales, which is split between the seller (2%) and Rarible (1%). Additionally, buyers must pay a 0.3% fee for every purchase.

Super Rare

SuperRare is a digital art marketplace on the Ethereum network. Additionally to the default options to mint and trade NFTs, It offers a range of features, such as the ability to create custom collections, set up auctions, and track sales history. SuperRare also provides an API that allows developers to build applications on top of the platform. The marketplace  charges a 5% fee for each sale, which is used to cover the costs of running the platform and to reward the community.

Binance NFT Markreplace 

Binance NFT Marketplace allows the purchase of NFTs from a variety of sources, including artists, developers, and other users. The platform also provides users with the ability to create and manage their own NFTs. Binance NFT Marketplace provides a secure and transparent trading environment, as well as a variety of tools and features to help users manage their NFTs. It also provides users with access to a variety of NFTs, including art, music, games, and more.

Fees on the Binance NFT Marketplace are minimal, with a 0.2% fee for buying and selling NFTs and a 0.5% fee for transferring NFTs.

What is the cost of creating an NFT on different platforms?

The cost of creating an NFT on different platforms can vary significantly. For example, the platforms like OpenSea and Rarible charge a fee of around $5. Additionally, some platforms may charge additional fees for hosting or listing the NFT. For instance, SuperRare charges a 3.5% fee for hosting an NFT, while Nifty Gateway charges a 5% fee for listing an NFT.

Other platforms, such as CryptoKitties, require users to pay a certain amount of Ether to create an NFT. Similarly, Mintable charges a fee of 0.5 ETH for creating an NFT. Furthermore, platforms like OpenSea and Rarible charge a fee for minting an NFT, which is typically around 0.5 ETH.

In addition to the fees associated with creating and hosting an NFT, some platforms may also charge a fee for transferring an NFT. For example, OpenSea charges a 0.5 ETH fee for transferring an NFT, while CryptoKitties charges a 0.2 ETH fee for transferring an NFT. Similarly, platforms like Nifty Gateway and Mintable charge a 0.2 ETH fee for transferring an NFT.

What are the costs of minting NFTs per blockchain?

Minting Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on a blockchain can be a costly endeavor. The costs vary depending on the blockchain being used. 

For example, minting an NFT on Ethereum can cost anywhere from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. This is because Ethereum requires users to pay a fee in the form of the cryptocurrency Ether (ETH) to have their transaction processed. This fee is known as “gas” and is determined by the amount of computation needed to complete the transaction. Additionally, NFTs minted on Ethereum are subject to the blockchain’s current congestion levels, which can drive up the cost of minting. 

Other blockchains, such as EOS and TRON, have different fee structures, but the costs can still be significant. EOS requires users to stake EOS tokens in order to mint NFTs, while TRON requires users to pay a fee in TRX tokens. Polygon has no fee for minting NFTs, but users must pay a small transaction fee when transferring their NFTs. 

The cost of minting NFTs on any blockchain will depend on the complexity of the NFT being minted. For example, more complex NFTs with multiple layers of data or interactive elements may require more gas fees or staking than simpler NFTs.

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How to reduce NFT minting costs? 

One way to reduce NFT minting costs is to use a more efficient blockchain platform. For example, Polygon’s Layer-2 solution allows users to mint NFTs with no transaction fees. Additionally, Polygon’s low latency and high throughput make it an ideal platform for minting complex NFTs with multiple layers of data or interactive elements. 

Other blockchains, such as EOS and TRON, may also offer ways to reduce the cost of minting NFTs depending on their respective fee structures. EOS offers “resource credits” that can be used in lieu of staking tokens when minting NFTs. 

Similarly, TRON offers discounts on fees for users who hold large amounts of TRX tokens. Finally, users should take advantage of any promotions or discounts offered by the respective blockchains in order to save money when minting NFTs.

Can You Mint an NFT for Free?

The question of whether or not you can mint an NFT for free is a complex one. On the one hand, it is possible to mint an NFT without paying a fee. For example, some platforms such as Open Sea allow users to mint NFTs without paying a fee. However, there are other platforms like Rarible that require a fee to mint an NFT. Additionally, some platforms may require users to pay a fee to mint an NFT, but also offer discounts or other incentives for users to mint NFTs on their platform.

Overall, it is possible to mint an NFT for free, but it is important to consider all of the associated costs before doing so. Additionally, it is important to research the platform that you are using to mint the NFT and make sure that it is reliable and secure. By doing so, you can ensure that your NFT is properly minted and that you are not exposed to any unnecessary risks.

How to Mint NFTs 

minting NFT

1. Connect your wallet

The first step in minting an NFT is to connect your digital wallet to an NFT marketplace or platform. This wallet will hold your cryptocurrency and any NFTs that you create or purchase. Most NFT marketplaces support various wallets such as MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Trust Wallet. When choosing a wallet, it’s important to consider factors such as security, ease of use, and compatibility with the marketplace or platform you plan to use.

If you don’t have a wallet yet, you’ll need to create one before you can connect it to an NFT marketplace. This typically involves creating a username and password, generating a private key or seed phrase, and securing your wallet with two-factor authentication (2FA) or other security measures.

Once you’ve connected your wallet, you can begin the process of creating your first item.

2. Create your first item

After connecting your wallet, you can start creating your NFT. There are several types of NFTs that you can create, including art, music, videos, and collectibles. When deciding on the type of NFT you want to create, consider your interests and skills, as well as the current market trends and demand.

This may involve creating a piece of art, composing a piece of music, or filming a video. It’s important to create a high-quality and unique digital asset that will stand out in the marketplace.

The process of creation of an NFT typically involves uploading a digital file of your artwork or asset, adding a title and description, and setting any other parameters such as the number of copies to be minted. Some marketplaces may also require you to pay a fee to create your NFT or to list it for sale.

The value of an NFT often lies in its scarcity and uniqueness, so you may want to consider creating a one-of-a-kind piece of art or limiting the number of copies that will be minted. Additionally, you should consider how you will market and promote your NFT to potential buyers.

3. Make sure your wallet is funded

Once you’ve created your NFT, you’ll need to ensure that your wallet is funded with the cryptocurrency required to cover any transaction fees or gas fees associated with minting or selling your NFT. Gas fees can be particularly high during times of high network congestion, so it’s important to keep an eye on the cryptocurrency market and make sure you have enough funds to cover any unexpected costs.

You can fund your wallet by purchasing cryptocurrency from an exchange, receiving cryptocurrency from a friend or client, or earning cryptocurrency through mining or other activities.

Once you have a wallet with cryptocurrency, you can connect it to the NFT marketplace or platform where you plan to create and sell your NFTs. This typically involves connecting your wallet using a browser extension or mobile app, and authorizing the marketplace to access your wallet. Some marketplaces may also require you to undergo a verification process to confirm your identity before you can begin creating or selling NFTs.

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4. List your NFT for sale

After your NFT has been created and your wallet is funded, you can list your NFT for sale on the marketplace. This typically involves setting a price for your NFT, setting a duration for the sale, and choosing whether to list it as an auction or fixed price sale. Some marketplaces may also allow you to set a reserve price, which is the minimum price you are willing to accept for your NFT.

When setting your price, it’s important to consider the market demand for your asset and any similar NFTs that may be listed for sale. You may want to research recent sales of similar NFTs to determine an appropriate price point for your item.

5. Manage your NFT business

Once your NFT is listed for sale, you’ll need to manage your NFT business. This may involve promoting your NFT on social media or other platforms, responding to inquiries from potential buyers, and managing the transaction process. It’s important to communicate clearly with buyers and ensure that they are satisfied with their purchase.

When promoting your NFTs, it’s important to create engaging content that will draw potential buyers in. High-quality images, videos, and descriptions of the item can all help to make your pieces stand out from the crowd. Additionally, offering discounts or exclusive deals can be a great way to attract more customers and increase sales.

It’s also worth considering setting up an affiliate program to reward people who help spread the word about your work. This could involve offering a small amount of money or free NFTs for each successful referral they bring in. By doing this, you are not only increasing your reach but also incentivizing people to promote your pieces even further.

Finally, don’t forget to keep track of how well each promotion method works for you so that you can focus on those that are bringing in the most sales. In addition to gathering data from platforms like Google Analytics or Facebook Insights, it could also be beneficial to ask customers directly what drove them towards purchasing your work so that you can better understand their interests and preferences

You may also need to consider taxes and legal regulations related to NFT sales. Some countries may require you to pay taxes on the sale of NFTs, so it’s important to research the legal requirements in your jurisdiction.

What Are the Benefits of Minting an NFT? 


Minting an NFT offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased ownership rights over digital assets

Increased ownership rights include the right to control the use of the asset, the right to transfer ownership, the right to receive compensation for the use of the asset, and the right to receive a portion of any profits generated by the asset. Additionally, owners of digital assets should have the right to access and control their asset, including the right to delete or modify it. Finally, owners should have the right to receive a fair price for their asset, including the right to receive a royalty or other form of compensation for its use. 

  • The ability to prove authenticity and ownership

Each NFT is unique and has its own blockchain record, which means that it cannot be duplicated or replicated. This provides a level of authenticity and ownership that is not possible with traditional digital assets such as images, videos, and music.

  • The potential to create a secondary market for digital items

By creating NFTs, creators can establish a secondary market for their digital items, which allows them to monetize their creations beyond their initial sale. This means that creators can earn royalties each time their NFT is resold on a marketplace, providing a steady stream of income over time. This also creates an opportunity for collectors to invest in digital assets that may appreciate in value over time.

  • The ability to create unique digital items that can be collected and traded

NFTs allow creators to create unique digital items that can be collected and traded, much like physical collectibles such as sports cards, stamps, and coins. This provides collectors with a new and exciting way to engage with digital content, and allows creators to monetize their work in a new and innovative way. 

  • Increased visibility and exposure

Minting an NFT can also provide creators with increased visibility and exposure for their work. NFT marketplaces and platforms are often frequented by collectors, investors, and enthusiasts who are looking for new and exciting digital assets to add to their collections. 

Drawbacks of Minting an NFT

While minting an NFT can provide numerous benefits, there are also some drawbacks and challenges that creators and collectors should be aware of. 

Environmental Concerns

One of the biggest criticisms of NFTs is the environmental impact of their creation and maintenance. NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which requires significant amounts of energy to maintain and operate. This energy consumption can have a negative impact on the environment, as it contributes to carbon emissions and other forms of pollution.

Lack of Regulation

Because NFTs are a relatively new technology, there are few guidelines or standards for their creation, sale, and management. This can make it difficult for creators and collectors to navigate the market and ensure that their transactions are safe and secure.

Fluctuating Market Value:

The value of NFTs can be highly volatile and unpredictable, which can make it difficult for creators and collectors to plan and budget accordingly. The value of an NFT is largely driven by market demand and can fluctuate based on a wide range of factors, including the popularity of the creator, the rarity of the asset, and the overall health of the NFT market.

Limited Accessibility:

Finally, NFTs can be relatively inaccessible to some audiences, particularly those who are less familiar with blockchain technology or who do not have the financial means to participate in the market. This can create barriers to entry and limit the overall reach and impact of NFTs as a creative and monetization tool.

How do you sell an NFT after minting it?

After successfully minting an NFT, the next step is to sell it on the appropriate marketplace. Selling an NFT involves more than just creating a listing and waiting for offers to come in. There are various factors to consider when selling an NFT to ensure a smooth and profitable transaction.

Different marketplaces have their own unique features, such as fees, audience reach, and ease of use. Creators need to research and compare different marketplaces to choose the most suitable one for their NFT.

Another important factor is pricing. Setting the right price can be a challenge, as the value of an NFT is subjective and influenced by various factors, such as rarity, creator popularity, and market trends. Creators need to determine a fair and reasonable price that reflects the true value of their NFT while attracting potential buyers.

Creating an attractive and informative listing is also crucial in selling an NFT. A well-written description, clear terms and conditions, and high-quality visuals can increase the likelihood of a successful sale.

Selling an NFT requires careful planning, research, and execution. By taking the necessary steps and approaching the process strategically, creators can maximize the potential value of their digital assets and achieve a successful sale.

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Most Famous Mints

The world of NFTs has exploded in recent years, and with it, there have been many famous NFT mints that have caught the attention of collectors, investors, and enthusiasts alike.


CryptoPunks are a collection of 10,000 unique 8-bit characters that were created on the Ethereum blockchain in 2017. Each punk has its own distinct characteristics and has become a highly sought-after collectible among NFT enthusiasts.


Beeple is a digital artist who sold a single NFT artwork for $69 million in March 2021, setting a new record for the highest sale of an NFT at the time. The artwork, titled “Everydays: The First 5000 Days,” is a collage of Beeple’s daily digital creations over a 13-year period.

NBA Top Shot

NBA Top Shot is a blockchain-based platform that allows fans to collect, trade, and own officially licensed NBA NFTs. The NFTs represent iconic moments in NBA history, such as slam dunks and game-winning shots, and have become extremely popular among sports fans.

Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Ape Yacht Club is a collection of 10,000 unique digital apes that were minted on the Ethereum blockchain in April 2021. Each ape has its own distinct attributes and has become a popular status symbol among NFT collectors.

Forever Rose” by Kevin Abosch

The Forever Rose is a digital artwork that features a photograph of a rose and a unique blockchain code that represents ownership and authenticity. The artwork was sold for $1 million in 2018, making it one of the most expensive NFT sales at the time. The Forever Rose is an example of how NFTs can be used to create unique and valuable digital assets that can be collected and traded like physical art.


Minting NFTs can be a lucrative and rewarding venture for creators who want to monetize their digital creations and reach a wider audience. With the ability to prove authenticity and ownership, create a secondary market for digital items, and create unique digital items that can be collected and traded, NFTs have revolutionized the way we think about and value digital assets. However, creators need to carefully consider the potential drawbacks and challenges of minting NFTs, such as high fees, environmental concerns, and market volatility. By approaching the process strategically and with the right mindset, creators can successfully mint and sell NFTs and unlock the full potential of the digital economy. If you want to know more, you can contact our blockchain consultants who know everything about it. 

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    About the author

    Dmitry K.

    CEO and Co-founder of ND Labs
    I’m a top professional with many-year experience in software development and IT. Founder and CEO of ND Labs specializing in FinTech industry, blockchain and smart contracts development for Defi and NFT.

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